10 Facts & 10 Myths about Semaglutide Injections for Medical Weight Loss

Semaglutide is making its mark in the world of medical weight loss. As with any innovative treatment, there's a mixture of facts and myths swirling around this medication. Here at Studio Esthetique, we believe in providing our clients with accurate information to make informed decisions about their health. Today, we'll address 10 facts and debunk 10 myths about Semaglutide injections for medical weight loss.

10 Facts about Semaglutide Injections for Medical Weight Loss

  1. Approved for Weight Loss: Semaglutide, initially approved for treating Type 2 Diabetes, has received FDA approval for chronic weight management in adults.
  2. GLP-1 Agonist: Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, mimicking a naturally occurring hormone that decreases hunger and helps control blood sugar.
  3. Significant Weight Loss: Clinical trials show that Semaglutide leads to substantial weight loss. Some patients lost 15% or more of their body weight.
  4. Administered via Injection: Semaglutide is administered via subcutaneous injection, typically once a week.
  5. Works with Lifestyle Changes: Semaglutide works best when combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Like any medication, Semaglutide can cause side effects, most commonly gastrointestinal issues.
  7. Not for Everyone: Semaglutide may not be suitable for people with certain pre-existing conditions. Always discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider.
  8. Controlled Dosage: Semaglutide dosage starts small and gradually increases to minimize side effects.
  9. Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels: Besides weight loss, Semaglutide can help manage blood sugar levels, a boon for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.
  10. Offered at Studio Esthetique: We provide Semaglutide injections as part of our comprehensive weight management services.

10 Myths about Semaglutide Injections for Medical Weight Loss

  1. Magic Weight Loss Solution: Semaglutide is not a magic pill; it aids weight loss, but works best with lifestyle modifications.
  2. Instant Results: Weight loss with Semaglutide is gradual and varies from person to person. Patience is key.
  3. Only for Diabetics: Although initially a diabetes medication, Semaglutide is approved for weight management in non-diabetic adults.
  4. No Exercise Needed: Semaglutide works best when combined with a regular exercise regime.
  5. Guaranteed Weight Loss for Everyone: Every individual is unique. Results vary based on factors like diet, activity level, and genetics.
  6. Unsafe for Use: Semaglutide has undergone rigorous clinical trials and is FDA-approved for weight management.
  7. Causes Severe Side Effects: Most side effects are mild and temporary, subsiding as the body adjusts to the medication.
  8. Same Dosage for Everyone: The dosage is personalized based on individual needs and tolerance.
  9. Requires Daily Injections: Typically, Semaglutide is administered once a week, not daily.
  10. Permanently Cures Obesity: Semaglutide is a tool for weight management, not a cure. Continued healthy habits are crucial for maintaining weight loss.

At Studio Esthetique, we are committed to providing the most suitable, science-backed weight loss solutions for our clients. Call us at 888.850.5225 today to arrange a Free Semaglutide Consultation at our Bronx, Westchester, or New York City location. Embark on your weight loss journey with reliable information and the support of our expert team.